Installation and Setup

Project Template

For a ready-made setup of the Event Explorer UI see the Event Explorer Template repository.

The template project consists of three parts:

In order to use the template clone or download the repository.

Build your own app

Install npm package

To add the component library to your Nuxt project you can install it via npm or yarn:

# execute once:
npm config set '@id2:registry' ''

# then install the library with:

# npm:
npm install --save @id2/event-explorer-ui
# yarn:
yarn add @id2/event-explorer-ui

You will also need to install the peer dependencies listed in the package.json.

It is needed that the Event Explorer UI is installed as a plugin in your Nuxt project.

Add the file plugins/exInit.js with the following content:

import { defineStore } from 'pinia'

import ExFramework from '@id2/event-explorer-ui/utils/ExInit.ts'

import {
} from '@id2/event-explorer-ui/store'

export default ({ app }, inject) => {

  const store = defineStore({
    id: 'exStore',
    state: () => (exStoreInitialState),
    getters: exStoreGetters,
    actions: exStoreActions,

  inject('exStore', store)
  inject('exState', store())

Register the plugin in nuxt.config.js:

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    { src: '~/plugins/exInit.js', mode: 'client' },
    // ...

Set up the component

The EventExplorerUi component should be used in a single-page application way by defining it as the only component in a file within the pages directory of Nuxt.

The layout for this page should only include <nuxt /> so that it does not interfer with other layout components.

Example for layouts/default.vue:

  <nuxt />

Example for pages/index.html:

  <EventExplorerUi :config="config">
    <!-- put your portals here -->

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import EventExplorerUi from '@id2/event-explorer-ui/components/EventExplorerUi.vue'

  components: {
export default class IndexPage extends Vue {
  config = require('../conf/ex-config.json')

Read configuration from a JSON file

With the following line you can read your configuration from a file. Make sure to have valid JSON file in the conf folder.

config = require('../conf/ex-config.json')