# Configure and customize the map The [configuration](Configuration.html) is the place where you configure your [OGC API features](Setup.html#OGC-API-Features) and [WebSocket]((Setup.html#Websocket-Features) endpoint, map layers and event clustering. ## Basemap Multiple basemaps can be defined as a list of objects in the `basemapLayers` attribute: Basemaps can be requested using the WMS or WMTS protocol (OGC standards), or the XYZ scheme. ```json "basemapLayers": [ { "id": "MyBasemap", "type": "WMTS", "baseUrl": "https://my/wmts/url", "layer": "MyLayer", "matrixSet": "generic_google_mercator", "style": "default", "format": "image/png", "title": "My Basemap", "attributions": "The Author", "defaultVisibility": true } ] ``` ## Overlay Layers Multiple selectable overlay layers (raster, vector) can be added by to the basemap in the `overlayLayers` attribute. All layers are required to be added to a `group`. ### Raster layers Raster layers can be requested using the WMS or WMTS protocol (OGC standards), or the XYZ scheme. A layer definition can look like this: ```json "overlayLayers": { "raster": [ { "id": "PopulationDensity", "type": "WMS", "baseUrl": "https://map-services.gfz-potsdam.de/geoserver/wms", "layer": "GFZ:population_density", "style": "", "title": "Population Density", "attributions": "Population Density: NASA SEDAC", "defaultVisibility": false, "maxResolution": 30000, "opacity": 0.5, "zIndex": 20, "legendImage": "population_density.svg", "group": "My Group 1" } ] } ``` ### Vector layers At the time of writing, only static GeoJSON is supported for vector layers. A layer definition can look like this: ```json "overlayLayers": { "vector": [ { "id": "AOI-1", "type": "GeoJSON", "title": "AOI 1", "url": "/geodata/AOI-1.geojson", "attributions": "Example AOI: GFZ", "defaultVisibility": false, "opacity": 1, "zIndex": 30, "fillColor": "white", "strokeColor": "red", "icon": "/images/default-marker.png", "group": "My Group 2" } ] } ``` ## Custom Map The Main Map can be customized to your needs by adapting the following components: | UI Component | Portal Target | |----|----|----| | Main Map | ex-map | | Layer Selector | ex-map-layer-control | | Map Layers | ex-map-layers | | Map Event Layer | ex-map-event-layer | | Map Legend | ex-map-legend | Please refer to the [Custom Layout](CustomLayout.html) section for more information about how to replace the existing components with your own custom components.